Monday, September 23, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Research Paper - Essay Example tunnel vision of his world leaves him vulnerable to the scrutiny of the audience which diminishes their ability to find pity for him and his circumstances. Shades of the definition of tragedy can be found, but on the whole, the play is lacking in some of the elements that have been laid out by Aristotle. To examine the play by the criteria defined by Aristotle, it is helpful to break down the definition into separate parts. The first definition is described as, â€Å"an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude†. This portion of the definition is met by the play. The themes and motifs of the play are of a serious nature as this family navigates through issues of expectation, abandonment, and betrayal. The themes are life changing for the characters and represent moments of change and importance. In this way, the play fulfills this portion of the definition of tragedy. The play is written to represent a slice of time and lifestyle that existed for the American people. Lines like â€Å""You cant eat the orange and throw the peel away. A man is not a piece of fruit.", and "I looked up and I saw they sky ... and I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been.", as written by Arthur Miller help to fit the definition that Aristotle designed for tragedy. Aristotle said that the work must be â€Å"in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament†. The words used by Miller are artistic and creative, even in their common vernacular. His design is flawless as it paints the picture of this story, creating a sad, empathetic familiarity within the audience. Aristotle clarifies his definition by saying â€Å"By language embellished, I mean language into which rhythm, harmony, and song enter† The words chosen by Miller are poetic, While the way in which plays were presented in the time of Aristotle differed from the way in which more

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